Creating Program

There are two ways to create a program. The simplest one is to just create one from the Program class:

from scriptor import Program
git = Program('git')

Alternatively you can subclass BaseProgram if you want to make an interface for your program, ie.:

from scriptor import BaseProgram

class Git(BaseProgram):

    program = 'git'

    def fetch(self):
        "Run command: git fetch"
        return self('fetch')

    def log(self, n):
        "Run command: git log -n ..."
        return self('log', n=n)

Then to create a program instance:

git = Git()

Changing Settings

Often it is desired to have specific settings for running a program. For example, you may want to run a program with a different current working directory (cwd) than where the current program is.

Here is an example:

>>> repo_1 = git.use(cwd="path/to/repo_1")
>>> repo_2 = git.use(cwd="path/to/repo_2")

>>> # Run git status with repo_1 as CWD
>>> repo_1("status")


Method program.use(...) copies the instance thus you can easily create copies to run programs in different directories or settings.



Current working directory used for running the program. By default same as current.


Number of seconds to wait before terminating the program due to timeout. By default None.

arg_form: 'long', 'short' or None

Form of the argument, either long or short. If None, the argument form is interpret from the length of the key. By default None.

default_kwargs: Dict

Default keyword arguments to pass all calls.

output_type: 'str' or 'bytes'

Type of the program output (stdout), either 'str' or 'bytes'. By default 'str'.

output_parser: callable

Output parser. By default None.


By default, Scriptor does not use shell to avoid command injection.