Program Parameters

Typically programs take in parameters or data in the following forms:

  • Positional arguments

  • Keyword arguments (either short or long form)

  • Standard input (stdin)

Positional Arguments

python("", "positional_argument")

Keyword Arguments

Calling a program supports also keyword arguments. The most common way to pass keyword arguments to programs is to supply them either in short form (ie. -o myfile.txt) or long form (ie. --output myfile.txt).

Scriptor supports both forms and it guesses the form by the length of the argument name. If it is shorter than what is specified in the argument long_form_threshold, the argument will be passed in short form. If it is longer, it is passed as long form. This is 3 by default.

The below will run command: python --report_date 2022-11-11

python("", report_date="2022-11-11")

The below will run command: python -rd 2022-11-11

python("", rd="2022-11-11")

Standard Input (stdin)

from scriptor.program import Input

python("", Input('some data'))


You should pass only one Input per call.


You can have positional arguments as well. You can pass those before or after the standard input.

These are identical:

python("", Input('some data'), "myarg")
python("", "myarg", Input('some data'))